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Thursday, August 22, 2024

8/23/24 Report - Silver Coin Hoard Found. Presto Canning Jars and Illinois Glass Company Finds. More High Tides and Small Surf.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.


Maybe a couple months ago I did a post showing some Ball Mason jars and mentioned some of the other brands.  On the heal it is embossed MFG. by ILLINOIS GLASS WORKS.

Unlike many canning jars found, this jar has its metal top intact, as shown below.

Top of Same Presto Canning Jar.

 The Illinois Glass Co. merged with the Owens Bottle Co. in 1929 to create the massive Owens-Illinois Glass Co.  This jar manufactured by the Illinois Glass Co. was therefore manufactured prior to 1929. 

Three Other Presto Jars From the Treasure Coast.

The left most jar shown above is embossed PRESTO GLASS TOP on the front, and on the heal is embossed, MFG. by ILLINOIS GLASS CO.

The small bottle in the center is emboassed PRESTO and on the heal MFG. by ILLINOIS GLASS CO.

And the bottle on the right, is embossed PRESTO SUPREME MASON, and on the bottom (not the heal) OWENS ILLINOIS GLASS COMPANY.  So, this one would presumably be from after 1929.

Below are a variety of Presto jars produced by the Illinois Glass Company.

Presto Canning Jars by Illinois Glass Co.
Source: IGCo.pdf (

For much more information on the Illinois Glass Company, which made many other kinds of jars, see IGCo.pdf (

By the way the metal tops, if in good condition, are worth a couple dollars.


  • A resident of a southwest German town working on a construction project unearthed a stash of medieval coins minted around 1320 AD.
  • The value of the roughly 1,600 coins recovered was deemed enough to have purchased 150 sheep at the time.
  • The coins span multiple mints through Germany, Switzerland, and France.
Archaeologists descended on the site the same day, quickly uncovering roughly 1,000 coins. The next day, rain turned the soil into knee-deep mud, but the archaeologists armed themselves with metal detectors and still recovered approximately 600 additional coins.

Here is the link for more about that.

Construction Worker Finds Secret Stash of 700-Year-Old Coins (

Thanks to William K. for that link.


There is nothing new on the National Hurricane Center Atlantic and Caribbean map.

The Surfguru chart shows a one of two foot surf for the Treasure Coast but another day of nice high tides.   

Good hunting,