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Friday, June 17, 2022

6/17/22 Report - Archaeologists Baffled by Detectorist's Find. The Value of Humility.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

A metal detectorist in Hungary has unearthed a tiny silver coin marked with the name of a famous Viking king that was lost almost 1,000 years ago.

A metal detectorist has discovered a small silver coin marked with the name of a famous Viking king. However, it was unearthed not in Scandinavia, but in southern Hungary, where it was lost almost 1,000 years ago.

The find has baffled archaeologists, who have struggled to explain how the coin might have ended up there — it's even possible that it arrived with the traveling court of a medieval Hungarian king.

The early Norwegian coin, denominated as a "penning," was not especially valuable at the time, even though it's made from silver, and was worth the equivalent of around $20 in today's money

Here is the link for the rest of the article.

Silver coin featuring famous Viking king unearthed in Hungary | Live Science

Things get around.  You can find things where you wouldn't expect them.


I made a mistake.  In fact, I made a lot of them.  I often find myself thinking, I shouldn't have done that, or I wish I hadn't done that.  But that is one way to learn.  It is the "hard way," or so it is often called. 

As I look back, I can think of a lot of mistakes I made, but fortunately there is the flip side - I can also see what I learned.  I suspect there is a correlation.  And that is good.  As they say, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." 

I guess you could make a lot of mistakes and not learn from them.  That happens when you twist things around to make it seem like you were right all along, or that you just had bad luck or you didn't have something somebody else had, or maybe it was somebody or something else's fault you messed up. Those things can help you avoid learning from your mistakes.  It isn't always easy or flattering to admit to yourself you did something that in retrospect seems stupid.

I regret the mistakes I made, but I made them.  That is the process I went through, and I can see what appears, looking back, to be progress.  But that progress, leaves much, much, much more to learn.  

I like the following lines in the lyrics of the Circle of Life.

"There's more to be seen than can ever be seen. More to do than can ever be done."  And later in the same song -  "There's far too much to take in here. More to find than can ever be found."

That applies well to treasure hunting, but more importantly, perhaps, to life in general.  Noticing the great mysteries of life can be very humbling.  Many try to avoid it.

Humility accelerates learning.  When you acknowledge what you lack, you are ready to receive, and when you acknowledge what you don't know, you are ready to learn.


I'm surprised by where that went.  It isn't what I planned.

I just now looked up some quotes on humility and found a list of the best quotes I have ever read.

Here is the link.



There is one little disturbance on the National Hurricane Center map.  It probably won't develop into anything significant.

Nothing really big in the surf predictions either.

I didn't do a post yesterday.  I was in Washington, D.C.  It amazes me every time that you pass almost right over the pentagon when in you fly into or out of Reagan National.  I can't help thinking of 911 when I do that, and many other things when seeing the monuments and capital building from the air.

Happy hunting,