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Saturday, June 18, 2022

6/18/22 Report - 15 Years Ago: Santa Margarita Gold Money Chain Found. Lightning Detector. Oldest Human Fossil.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Gold Money Chain
Source: eBay by PirateGoldCoins

Just over fifteen years ago (June 10, 2007) a 58-inch long gold money chain was found on the Santa Margarita shihpwreck site..

Here is the link for more information on the Santa Margarita money chain.

On this day! – MFT (


Here is a little device you might find handy.  It is the AcuRite lightning detector.

It detects lightning strikes within a 25 mile radius and tells you how far away the last strike was.

Here is a link for more about that.

How Does the Lightning Detector Work? – AcuRite


Scientists at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH) form part of a team of Chinese, Spanish, and French scientists that has just published a study of what may prove to be China's most ancient human fossil, in the Journal of Human Evolution. The researchers employed microCT, geometric morphometry, and classical morphology techniques to investigate the remains of the maxillary and five teeth from the skull unearthed at the Chinese site of Gongwangling...

And here is the link for more about that.

'Homo erectus' from Gongwangling could have been the earliest population in China | CENIEH


Thanks to those of you who have been sending your comments.  I plan to post some of those in the near future.

It is a good idea to avoid the mid-day heat and hunt either early in the morning or late in the evening.  Otherwise remember to stay hydrated.

In the old days I used to hunt all day in the hot South Florida sun, but take it easier these days.


Think now.  It might be illegal someday soon.


If you think you just plug in an EV and it goes, it seems utopian, but there is a lot more to consider.  I just looked into lithium mining, for example.   Lithum mining has many unfortunate effects, both environmental and human.  See Lithium-Ion Battery Production Is Surging, but at What Cost? | Greentech Media

Just another example of ow things in general are almost always much more complex than they might seem at first glance.


Nothing significant on the National Hurricane Center map.

The tides are decent.  We are getting some negative tides.  

I haven't had a chance to hunt much lately between travel and other things.

The surf is building just a touch - maybe up to around three or four feet.

Good hunting,