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Monday, June 20, 2022

6/20/22 Report - A Couple Unexpained Finds. Open Your Mind To New Exciting Possibilities.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Two Sides of St. Christopher Medallion.

 I cleaned this find up a little and it still has me baffled.  It does not appear to be silver.  I thought it would be.  It is not magnetic.  Doesn't appear to be any type of plated copper alloy.  Seems too light for aluminum or pot metal.  I don't recognize the coat of arms.  It might just be a fantasy, but why would they put a fantasy coat of arms on the other side of a religious piece.  It could be that there was once more color to it than just the yellow shield.  It is fairly big - about 1.25 inches in diameter.  No marks or writing on it.    There is a lot about this pendant that I just don't understand.  Probably just a modern piece, but I'd appreciate any thoughts or ideas about it.

The most well known and loved version of this story paints St. Christopher as a big and strong man who devoted himself to Jesus by using all of his strength and power to carry Jesus cross a dangerous river.

By carrying Jesus, who was only a child, he was however also carrying the whole weight of the world on his shoulders.

By being able to carry Jesus and the entire world on his shoulders and deliver him safely to the other side, St. Christopher is able to carry all travellers and deliver them home safely by wearing him as a medal.

In Greek, Christopher translates to “Christ-bearer” which also may refer to this legend of St. Christopher carrying the Christ Child across the river...

Source: What is the meaning of a Saint Christopher pendant? - Off The Map Jewellery


Here is another odd find.  

Odd Looking Buddha(?)

This one is about 3/4 inches tall, looks like it might be lead.  I don't know much of anything about it either.

Here is the back.

Buddha(?) Back.

Looks like maybe it was once attached to something.  Probably just a cheap novelty item.


The beaches have been pretty sandy lately.  When what you usually do doesn't work anymore, it is a good opportunity to change, learn and grow.  It is time to expand on what you do.  Go beyond what you have been doing.  Tough situations and tough times can stimulate growth.  

There are many ways to expand your operations, which many people won't do until they are forced.  When old techniques don't work anymore, don't look at it as a roadblock.  Look at it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Think about your habits.  What are the boundaries that you have been working within? Your boundaries can be self-imposed and often expanded.  They can be easy or difficult to overcome.  Sometimes the most difficult to overcome are the most productive.  Great finds, like great gains, very often are difficult and only come after a great effort or expense.  

What habits limit you?  What boundaries are you observing that can be expanded?

If you only visit certain beaches, it might be a good time to visit some other beaches - or get off the beach for a while.

What has been holding you back?  Think about it.

You might not want to try certain things because they seem too difficult, or costly, or maybe you simply don't know how to do it yet.  Evaluate, and make deliberate decisions.  Maybe you don't think you can do something, but maybe you just haven't thought enough about how you can do it.  

There are undoubtedly things that you won't decide to do, but only decide after adequate consideration.  Some things are dangerous, especially if you are not adequately prepared.  Some things are too costly, and your priorities and situation might exclude them.  But some things are easy enough, except you just haven't thought about them.  Be open to new possibilities. 

Consider where you hunt, what you hunt, and how you hunt.  Are there any changes that you might want to make?

Obstacles are often opportunities in disguise.


I watched a little of the Duck Family Treaure TV show last night.  Not tremendous, but light entertainment.


Your world is as large and magnificent as your mind can encompass.


Nothing significant on the National Hurricane Cente map right now.

The surf isn't big either.