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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

6/19/24 Report - Metal Detecting Finds: Family Crest, 4 H, City of Faith, Boy Scouts, Spoon. Mount Vernon Cache.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Gentrys Family Crest.

While metal detecting I've found a lot of lapel pins over the years, and I've been showing some lately.  

Above is one of my all-time favorite lapel pin finds.  It is an enameled gold family crest or shield.  I found it years ago on an eroding beach where I was finding a good number of silver US coins.  It is enameled gold.  Some of the enamel was worn off.  I can't date this one, but my best guess is early 1900s.

4-H Membership Pin.

This pin is one of the prettier pins I've found.  This pin is also gold-filled (1/20th 10K)like some others I've found.

On the left side of the pin you'll see the word "THIRD" which indicates the third year of membership or participation.

Back of 4-H Membership Pin.

The foundations of 4-H began in 1902 with the work of several people in different parts of the United States. The focal point of 4-H has been the idea of practical and hands-on learning, which came from the desire to make public school education more connected to rural life. Early programs incorporated both public and private resources. 4-H was founded with the purpose of instructing rural youth in improved farming and farm-homemaking practices. By the 1970s, it was broadening its goals to cover a full range of youth, including minorities, and a wide range of life experiences.

Here is the link for more about that.

City of Faith | Reentry Services


City of Faith Lapel Pin.

I'm not sure about this one, but there is a City of Faith organization that helps formerly imprisoned ;people transition back into the community, but I've also seen this pin described as a Sunday School pin.  Right now, I think that is wrong.

Boy Scouts of America Pin.

I never found much information on the Gentrys pin.

Below is an unusal one.  It is a small sterling silver spoon with pin on the back.

Small Sterling Silver Pin Spoon.
Pin On Back of Spoon.

That is enough of those for the day, but I have a lot more of them.  


Archaeologists discovered dozens of bottles of cherries and berries preserved in storage pits at George Washington’s Mount Vernon home on the banks of the Potomac River.

The discovery of so much perfectly preserved food from more than two-and-half centuries ago is unprecedented, Jason Boroughs, Mount Vernon’s principal archaeologist, told The Associated Press.

Here is the link for more about that.


Expect a four-to-five-foot surf Wednesday and Thursday then decreasing again.

Good hunting,