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Saturday, June 8, 2024

6/9/24 Report - Old Star Coca Cola Soda Water Bottle from Fort Pierce. Large Mastodon Tusk Found by Diver Off Florida Coast.

 Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Banged Up Coca Cola Soda Water Bottle.

I took a little walk this morning and found this old Coca Cola Soda Water bottle.  If it wasn't so beat up, it would be one of my favorite bottles.

I've found Coca Cola Soda Water bottles before, but they are different.  I think this one is earlier.  It does not have a crown top.  Looks like it was more of a blob top.  I think I sold my other star Coca Cola Soda Water Bottles.  Again, they aren't the same as this one. 

I call it a "star" bottle because there is an embossed star in the front and back shoulder of the bottle, and there is also one on the bottom.

Under the five-pointed star on the shoulder, under which is the following.





The other side has the star and

Another View of the Same Coca Cola Soda Water Bottle.

On one side around the heel is

On the other side around the heel is

You can see the bottom below.

I've found other Coca Cola Soda Water Bottles.  They are different.   I thought maybe I posted them before, but couldn't find any and think I sold them.

I also need to do some more research on this one to nail down the date.  

I posted not too many days ago that the Fort Pierce bottling works began operation in 1914, so the date would be after that, but I don't think very much after that. 

I posted it in the today even though I need to do more research on it.

If anyone can find a photo of this bottle or additional information, I'd appreciate a link.   Thanks.


ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — At first, fossil-hunting diver Alex Lundberg thought the lengthy object on the sea floor off Florida’s Gulf Coast was a piece of wood. It turned out to be something far rarer, Lundberg said: a large section of tusk from a long extinct mastodon.

Lundberg and his diver companion had found fossils in the same place before, including mammoth teeth, bones of an ancient jaguar and parts of a dire wolf. They also have found small pieces of mastodon tusk, but nothing this big and intact...

The tusk measures about 4 feet (1.2 meters) and weighs 70 pounds (31 kilograms), Lundberg said, and was found at a depth of about 25 feet (7.6 meters) near Venice, Florida. It’s currently sitting in a glass case in his living room, but the story may not end there...

Here is the link for the rest of the article.

I've posted before about more than one mammoth tusk being found on the Treasure Coast but I haven't seen any mastodon tusks from the Treasure Coast.  They are different.

Mammoth tusks are characterized by what is often described as a herringbone pattern on the cross section.  Below is a good illustration of that.

Cross-section of mammoth tusk showing herringbone pattern.


Surf Chart from

No immediate change in beach conditions, but it looks like there is some possibility that things will change in several days.

Good hunting,