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Saturday, June 15, 2024

6/15/24 Report - American Red Cross Lapel Pin Find. Red Cross History. More Beach Closures. Tracing 17th Century Beads.

Written by the Treasure Guide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.


American Red Cross Blood Donor Lapel Pin.

I started a series of posts on lapel pin finds.  I didn't get very far with that yet.  In fact, I barely got it started.  I posted the Red Dot Champion pin, but that is the only one so far.  I plan to post a lot of lapel pin finds when I get around to it.

Above is a American Red Cross Blood Donor Pin.  It isn't in very good condition.  I don't have the research on it nailed down yet.  I've seen this pin described in some places as being World War I and in other places World War II.  I don't yet know which, if either, is correct.  I guess it could be both.

The Red Cross is an international humanitarian network founded in 1863 in Switzerland, with chapters worldwide that provide assistance to victims of disasters, armed conflict and health crises. The Red Cross’s roots date to 1859, when businessman Henry Dunant witnessed the bloody aftermath of the Battle of Solferino in Italy, in which there was little medical support for injured soldiers. Dunant went on to advocate for the establishment of national relief organizations made up of trained volunteers who could offer assistance to war-wounded soldiers, regardless of which side of the fighting they were on...

After the U.S. Civil War broke out in 1861, Clara Barton, a former teacher then working in the U.S. Patent Office in Washington, DC., voluntarily began delivering food and supplies to Union soldiers on the front lines...

Here is the link for much more about the history of the Red Cross and American Red Cross organizations.

There are a lot of Red Cross pins shown online. Some were given to blood donors, financial donors and other supporters. I remember the little red and white pins for blood donors from the fifties or sixties.  My father always donated blood so that we would have a supply if needed and I remember seeing the little round ones shown below.

Red Cross Blood Donor Pins.

If you can tell me more about the pin shown at the top of this post, please send me an email.

Propatria, which you'll find on the found pin, means "for your country."

I've found a lot of old lapel pins and put together they make a nice collection.  

I need to compile a file containing photos and descriptions of my lapel pin metal detecting finds, but I'm not sure I'll ever get around to it.


 Bathtub Beach reopened Saturday, but will close again Sunday, June 16. 

For more about that.


As I've reported, Frederick Douglass oark will close for about a year. The equestrian activities will be moved to John Brooks.

St. Lucie County beach with horse access to close for a year, equestrian program relocated (

Maybe I forgot to acknowledge DJ for my previous report on the Frederick Douglass closing, so here it is, just in case.


Archaeologists "analyzed the chemical composition of more than 1,000 seventeenth-century glass beads in order to show where in Europe the beads had been produced, and then track their movements in North America. The study suggests that glass beads dated to before 1650 that have been uncovered in the Western Great Lakes region came from the same source as beads recovered from Wendat villages in Ontario. In other words, the Wendat traded beads with the Anishinaabe and other groups of people living in the Western Great Lakes region before they migrated into the area. European traders are not thought to be the source of the beads, since they did not reach the Western Great Lakes region until at least 1670."

Here is the link for more about that.

News - Chemical Analysis Tracks Glass Bead Trade in North America - Archaeology Magazine


I don't think I've mentioned that the Fort Pierce North Causeway park has been closed due to construction of the new causeway.


Surf Chart from

If you've been working a water site, you might want to finish up this weekend because it looks like we'll be getting some rougher surf.

Good hunting,