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Friday, June 7, 2024

6/7/24 Report - Metal Detectorists Finds Old Silver Ingot. Keys Diver Find Drugs. Rock Engravings Mark the Spot. Covidity.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

A Viking age silver ingot found by a metal detectorist in the south of the Isle of Man has been declared treasure at an inquest.

The 1,000-year old piece, which is 2.6in (6.7cm) long and 0.3in (0.75cm) wide, was found 7in (18cm) below the surface in July 2022...

The composition of the piece was tested at the University of Liverpool with the results showing it contained 88% silver.

The tests were carried out on the piece, which dates back to between 900 and 1045 AD, to prove its content because similar ingots of copper and lead had also been found in the past.

Here is the link for that article

Viking age silver found by metal detectorist in Manx field (


Metal detectorist stumbles on 1,000-year-old ‘credit card’ used by Vikings. See it (


Drugs Found by Divers in Keys.

Scuba divers made a surprise discovery during a dive in the Atlantic Ocean off the Florida Keys.

The divers found 25 individually wrapped packages of what’s believed to be cocaine.

Each package included a fake Nike logo...

Here is that link for more about that.

Scuba divers find cocaine packages with fake Nike logos in Florida Keys, deputies say (

Years ago, before cell phones, I found three huge bails of pot on John Brooks Beach early one morning.


Enormous rock engravings may be prehistoric territorial markers, suggest archaeologists...

"We know that anacondas and boas are associated with not just the creator deity of some of the Indigenous groups in the region, but that they are also seen as lethal beings that can kill people and large animals," says Dr. Riris. "We believe the engravings could have been used by prehistoric groups as a way to mark territory, letting people know that this is where they live and that appropriate behavior is expected."

Dr. José Oliver, Reader in Latin American Archaeology at UCL Institute of Archaeology, adds, "The engravings are mainly concentrated along a stretch of the Orinoco River called the Atures Rapids, which would have been an important prehistoric trade and travel route. This means it would have been a key point of contact, and so making your mark could have been all the more important—marking out your local identity and letting visitors know that you are here."...

Here is the link for more about that.

Enormous rock engravings may be prehistoric territorial markers, suggest archaeologists (


COVID vaccines could be partly to blame for a rise in “unprecedented” excess deaths in the US and other Western countries in the three years since the pandemic took hold, a new study suggests...

Here is the link.

COVID vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths since pandemic: study (


The Treasure Coast surf remains small.  Look for a decent afternoon low tide.

Good hunting,

The Megiddo Mosaic which decorated one of oldest Christian prayer halls ever found, will soon fly overseas for a 9-months loan to the Museum of the Bible, Haaretz has learned.