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Monday, June 3, 2024

6/3/24 Report - Another Kind of Error Coin To Look For in Your Coin Finds. Ancient Skull. Hurricane Predictions.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Strike-Through on Jefferson Quarter.

Yesterday I recommended taking a good look at your coin finds for possible error coins which can be more valuable than your average coin.  I talked about one type of error coin yesterday - die cracks, but I also mentioned a few other types of error coins that I've found.  I'll look at some more of those today.  As I said, I've never found a double die error coin, but I've found strike-throughs and die chips.

Above is the most obvious strike-through coins I've ever found.  You can see the big mark on Jefferson's neck where something was evidently on the planchet when it was struck by the die.  In this case I can't tell what the object was.  It could have been an odd piece of metal from a coin rim, but who knows.

Below are a couple smaller strike-throughs.  

Strike-Through on Wheat Cent.

How do I know this is strike through rather than a die crack?  That is easy.  This is a depressed instead of a raised impression.  How do I know it is not scratch?  Besides experts telling me, the metal is not displaced as a scatch would cause.

It is hard to say what the object that made the impression is.

Rim Burr on Lincoln Cent.

This one isn't very big, but if you look above STATES, running from one S to the other is the impression of what experts think is probably a rim burr.  

Just to show an example from eBay, here is a strike-through coin that was listed for sale.

That kind of strike through could easily be taken as a damaged coin, but inspection under magnification will tell the difference.

They can be worth some good money.  Nothing to ignore.

If I can find error coins, you can too.  You just have to look.


Researchers were stunned by the discovery of cutmarks around cancerous growths on an ancient Egyptian skull, which allowed them to gain new insights into how the ancient Egyptians may have treated the disease. These findings are unique evidence that ancient societies have tried to explore and operate on cancer thousands of years ago.

From ancient texts we know that – for their times – the ancient Egyptians were exceptionally skilled at medicine. For example, they could identify, describe, and treat diseases and traumatic injuries, build protheses, and put in dental fillings. Other conditions, like cancer, they couldn’t treat – but they might have tried.

Examining the limits of traumatological and oncological treatments in ancient Egypt, an international team of researchers has now studied two human skulls, each thousands of years old.

“We see that although ancient Egyptians were able to deal with complex cranial fractures, cancer was still a medical knowledge frontier,” said Tatiana Tondini, a researcher at the University of Tübingen and first author of the study published in Frontiers in Medicine...

Here is the link for more about that.


US hurricane warning: 'Tropical threat' to spark glut of freakishly powerful storms.

A ‘tropical threat’ in the Caribbean will kick start a ‘hair-raising’ hurricane season amid warnings of a glut of freakishly powerful storms.

Unusually warm ocean temperatures with El Nino transitioning to La Nina in the eastern Pacific will provide the perfect ingredients to fuel the assault.

Hurricanes this year threaten to be not only more powerful, but more likely to make landfall, experts warn...

Here is the link for more about that.

 US hurricane warning: 'Tropical threat' to spark glut of freakishly powerful storms (

Here's a tip.  Get your home prepared for storms early, that way you aren't doing it when you want to go check the beaches.

Also, get your storm metal detecting gear ready.  Have extra batteries so you don't have to get them when there is a run on them right before a storm.  Don't forget ponchos or whatever you use as rain gear.


This week the surf will be small all week.

There will be a decent low tide around noon.  A low tide and a small surf gives you some good low tide hunting.

Good hunting,