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Saturday, June 29, 2024

6/29/24 Report - Key Finds: Railroad, Skeleton, Margarita, 1715 Fleet, Mystery.

 Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

MPCO Barrel Key.

Here is an old brass barrel key that was sitting around and never identified.  While I've found barrels of keys over the years, I've found very few barrel keys.  

Currently, barrel keys can only be made a select locksmiths with a specialy tubular key machine. These types of keys are commonly used for vending machines although they are becoming more popular with bicycle locks and motorcycle locks especially for Harley Davidsons.

Below is a large bucket that contains a few gallons of found keys.

Gallons of Found Keys.

In South Florida I used to find tons of brass hotel keys, some of which had nice graphics.  I showed some of them before.  It could have been a bit of a security issue for the hotels.  You don't find those big brass keys much anymore.  

Most of use fin the older keys more interesting.  The old skeleton keys which are not real uncommon. The one below was sitting with the barrel key, but I don't know why.

Old Skeleton Key Find.

Below are some keys from the Margarita shown in the Mel Fisher artifact database.

Keys from the Margarita
Shown in the Mel Fisher Artifact Database.

Here is a really interesting key find which I posted.  

Key Find by DB
Photo by Terry S.

Laura Strolia, author and researcher, gave her thoughts on that one.  Here is the link.

The Barrel Key shown at the top of this post has the letters MPCO on the bow.

If you research barrel keys, you'll find that many, perhaps most, are described as railroad keys and used on

Antique railroad keys can bring a good price - often hundreds of dollars.  See Western Railroad Americana Antiques - Catalog - Antique Railroad Keys - For Sale.

The letters on those often end with RR or RY, which tells you it is from a railroad, but others do not.  The letters on some railroad keys end with the letters "CO", for "company."

T & G Railroad Key.

Penn Central Railroad Key.

So far, I have not learned what the MPCO letters indicate on my find.  A search of the railroad names database (RR Names Database - Railroadiana Online) gave four MP railroad names, but I don't have any reason to believe it would be any of the four.

 If anyone can help with the mystery key please do.

Good hunting,