Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.
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Fascinating Cloud Formation Just South of Fort Pierce. By TreasureGuide. |
That isn't a new photo. I caught it a few years ago as a front moved through the area.
The county wants to reconstruct sand dunes on almost 9 miles of shoreline that sustained erosion from hurricanes Durian, Irma and Matthew. But some landowners have not responded to requests for permission to access the dunes on their property.
County officials have said they need about 90% of the property owners to give access for the project to be economically feasible. Without access, the county would have to work around parcels, creating large gaps among the repaired dunes.
The gaps could create further erosion and sand loss, officials have said.
I originally posted this wrong. I thought Columbus Day was on the 5th, but it appears that Columbus Day is Oct. 12.
In recent years Columbus Day has become unpopular with some who would like to replace it with Indigenous People's Day, but Colorado recently passed legislation to replace Columbus Day with Cabrini Day.
(See https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/11/us/colorado-columbus-day-cabrini-day-trnd/index.html for more about that.)
According to Wikipedia, Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini MSC (Italian: Francesca Saverio Cabrini; July 15, 1850 – December 22, 1917), also called Mother Cabrini, was an Italian-American Roman Catholic Nun. She founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a Catholic religious instituted that was a major support to her fellow Italian immigrants to the United States. She was the first U.S. citizen to be canonized as a Saint by the Toman Catholic Church on July 7, 1946.
Thanks to Laura Strolia for the CNN link.
A Great White shark was seen near the beach of Panama City, Florida.
I've received a lot of emails concerning the large signal reported by Bill R. and posted some of them yesterday. Aquanaut John sent this email.
I saw where you mentioned some large targets. Found two back around 1995-6. One was an old engine in the surf line. The other, about halfway up the beach between Sea Grape and Turtle, was the hub/axle? of an old paddlewheel with much of the wood still on it. With the help of 4 kids, my partner and myself, dug much of it to expose about 10 feet of it’s length about 2 to 3 feet down. We didn’t expose all of it and it was much too large to excavate and after several hours we left it. Went back the next morning and it was covered right back up. It’s probably under 10 feet of sand now...
Joe D. had sent the following message.
We should have a contest! Whoever guesses correctly on the object gets a prize! Maybe at the next Treasure Hunters BBQ! Than get a group to work as a team to dig it up!You already have my guess!! And I don't mind being one of the diggers! Or all the contestant's chip in for a backhoe! Call it an entry fee! 👍👍
Here is a little puzzle. It has been around for a long time. Maybe you've seen it before. Basically, there are nine small dots arranged as shown below. Here are the instructions.
Draw four straight lines that go through the middle of all of the dots without taking the pencil off the paper. You can start from any position and but must draw the lines one after the other without taking your pencil off the page. Each line starts where the last line finishes. (Draw the dots on a piece of paper and try it out.)
After working on it a while, you might conclude it is impossible, and it isn't easy, but it can be done. You can look it up on the internet, but try to solve the puzzle by yourself first.
Hint: you'll have to think outside the box.
Source: nhc.noaa.gov. |
Gamma will dissipate soon on the Yucatan, but Delta will head towards Louisiana as a hurricane. Just what they need! That part of the country got tons of rain this year.
Source: nhc.noaa.gov |
That means more rain for us.The Treasure Coast surf will remain in the two to three foot range, and the tides are still high but are decreasing a little.
I'd give a beach conditions rating of 1.
Happy hunting,