Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
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Turtle Trail Thursday Near Low Tide |
Turtle Trail eroded Monday, and the cut moved back towards the dunes more on Tuesday. The wind changed Wednesday, but the beach at Turtle Trail remained about the same. Some spots had filled a little - but very little since Tuesday.
You can see from the photo above that the bags were still sticking out.
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Turtle Trail Beach Thursday Near Low Tide. |
In some spots the cut had moved a bit farther back towards the dunes, but there was still renourishmnent sand in front of the natural dunes. The orange sand was still buried only one or two inches deep in some spots.
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Turtle Trail Thursday. |
There were fewer targets than Monday and Tuesday. The beach has been cleaned pretty well, however there were a few remaining targets.u
I'd rate beach conditions still at a 2, but now a low 2 instead of a high 2. I'm expecting a 3 in the next few days.
I've only heard of half reales being found this week - no larger denominations. Of course, there were some other things found. Most common were the musket balls and smaller pieces of lead.
I talked to one fellow yesterday who found his first half reale Monday. It didn't show a lot of detail.
By the way, in a recent post I referred to smaller caliber musket balls as musket balls, and they'd probably better be described as buck.
As long as the surf keeps washing the beach with each high tide, I suppose there will be a few new targets to dig, but the likelihood of finding more reales has diminished some since Tuesday.
Many detectorists are still heading down towards the second flag pole at Turtle Trail. I haven't heard from much from walking up towards Seagrape.
Monday and Tuesday I would have used a different detector than Thursday since the number of targets had decreased. I would put more emphasis on depth now because a good number of the remaining targets are deeper and there is less trash.
This morning I ran across a 2014 post showing a Charles and Joanna 4 reale, so that is four of those I've posted over the years. Of course there are undoubtedly more that I don't know about.
Treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com still gets hundreds of viewers everyday. You can still find years of posts there, and I keep finding myself looking back through old posts.
Yesterday I posed the link Dj sent me for a great article about musket balls. I highly recommend taking a look at that article. Since the link wasn't in my original post yesterday, but was added later, here it is again.
Revolutionary War Musket Ball Typology - An Analysis of Lead Artifacts Excavated at Monmouth Battlefield State Park by Daniel M. Sivilich.
Here is the link.
Predicted Path of Eta. Source: nhc.noaa.gov |
That higher surf, if it really gets that big, should open up some good detecting.
Happy hunting,